We received the following letter from a vision therapy patient with severe post-concussion syndrome.

Dear Dr. Corbin,

Thank you very much for having me do vision therapy at Wyomissing Optometric Center. The care I received from Dr. Sensenig, Christine, and Linda has truly changed my life. All of your staff has been extremely helpful and friendly to me over the last year, 2015 into 2016. My vision therapy and care at your office helped to allow me to return to my position as an elementary school teacher.

I had previously been out on medical leave for over a year after suffering for years with severe post-concussion syndrome. There were times when I thought I may never be able to teach again. A huge thank you goes out to you and your staff for helping me return to the classroom.

As a member of the Exeter Academic Hall of Fame, you are an inspiration to me. I strive to make a difference in our community, inside and out of the classroom. I may never be the person I was before my injuries, but I strive to be the best I can and I’ll always be grateful to the people who have helped me along the way.

Wishing you the best,


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