Eye Exams For Children

Eye Exams For Children

Be sure to add eye exams to your back-to-school “to do” list. Making sure your children have excellent vision will help them perform at their best — in and out of the classroom! In a whitepaper titled “EYE EXAMS FOR CHILDREN – WHY, HOW SOON AND HOW OFTEN” ...
People Are Talking About Vision Therapy

People Are Talking About Vision Therapy

What patients can benefit from vision therapy? Not all vision challenges are treated with glasses or contact lenses. Vision therapy or visual training is often implemented to improve the coordination and control of eye movements. Vision therapy can help patients with:...
Slowing the Progression of Nearsightedness in Children

Slowing the Progression of Nearsightedness in Children

Nearsightedness, or myopia, is becoming more prevalent in children and has almost doubled in the past 30 years. In fact, significant increases have been noticed in just one generation. Myopia is genetically related, but there are important environmental factors that...
Back To School Eye Exams

Back To School Eye Exams

Electronics are everywhere! Many children are exposed to several hours of screen time per day.  Comprehensive eye exams for children are more important than ever. The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends children rest their eyes by using the 20-20-20...
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