by Wyomissing Optometric Center | Nov 16, 2017 | BLOG, Eye Doctor Myerstown PA, Eye Doctor Reading PA, eye doctors in reading pa
We wish to extend our congratulations and express our thanks to the National Eye Institute (NEI) as they celebrate their 50th anniversary. The NEI was established in 1968, since that time they greatly influenced the progress in diagnosing and treating eye diseases and...
by Wyomissing Optometric Center | Oct 28, 2017 | BLOG, Eye Doctor Myerstown PA, Eye Doctor Reading PA, eye doctors in reading pa, eyeglasses reading pa
Fall is in full swing, soon we will be welcoming 2019. For many welcoming the new year may also involve welcoming a new health insurance or the start of a new benefit year. If you participate in a Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), or Health Savings Accounts (HSA) your...
by Wyomissing Optometric Center | Sep 14, 2017 | BLOG, Dr Amanda Legge, Dr. Glenn S. Corbin, Dr. Heidi Sensenig, Dr. Karen L. Heaney, Dr. Kerry Burrell, Dr. Michael D. Burkhart, Dr. Perry Umlauf, Eye Doctor Myerstown PA, Eye Doctor Reading PA, eye doctors in reading pa
We are always pleased when we can help someone improve how they see the world! We had an opportunity to add a bit of color to one patient’s world. There is no cure for colorblindness, but Wyomissing Optometric Center offers EnChroma prescription spectacle lenses...
by Wyomissing Optometric Center | Sep 3, 2017 | BLOG, Dr Amanda Legge, Dr. Glenn S. Corbin, Dr. Heidi Sensenig, Dr. Karen L. Heaney, Dr. Kerry Burrell, Dr. Michael D. Burkhart, Dr. Perry Umlauf, emergency eye care, emergency eye care near me, emergency eye doctor near me, Eye Doctor Myerstown PA, Eye Doctor Reading PA, eye doctors in reading pa, Michael D. Burkhart
Eye floaters are often described as tiny black or gray stingy spots that seem to move quickly as you try to look at them. Eye floaters can be a normal part of the aging process. Before we explore floaters in more detail, It is important to note if you notice a sudden...
by Wyomissing Optometric Center | Jan 18, 2017 | age related macular degeneration, BLOG, Dr. Glenn S. Corbin, Eye Doctor Reading PA, eye doctors in reading pa, FP
Wyomissing Optometric Center eye doctors lead the way in early diagnosis of Age-related Macular Degeneration Wyomissing Optometric Center received the first AdaptDx unit off the assembly line in the U.S. more than 2 years ago. The AdaptDx diagnostic technology aides...